Heartland Regional Wellness Council

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Regional Wellness Council

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Regional Wellness Council

Chairperson—Karen Miller, CMS


Educate and encourage federal employees to make health and wellness a priority.  This will be done by improving the worksite cultures in promoting sustainable practices, wellness, physical activity, and healthy eating.

If you would like more information about this committee or would like to become a member please contact the FEB office.


The Regional Wellness Council (RWC) was founded in 2015 for the greater Kansas City region.  The group was created as a result of increasing awareness that health and wellness relates directly to productivity.  The initial goal of the Regional Wellness Council was to improve the culture of the Greater Kansas City federal workplaces to more fully promote employee wellness, and thereby productivity, through physical activity, healthy eating, and other wellness activities.

This Kansas City FEB is comprised of 160 federal agencies.  The Federal government is Kansas City’s largest employer. The over 38,000 Federal employees make a significant contribution to the area economy as well as strong commitment to community services. Federal employees contribute millions of dollars annually through the Heartland Combined Federal Campaign.

The RWC meets the 4th Wednesday of each month.